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A collection of methods for calculations related to angles.

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class BezierCurve(swo: SwerveOdometry, trapConstraints: TrapezoidProfile.Constraints, startPoint: Vector2, controlPoint1: Vector2, controlPoint2: Vector2, endPoint: Vector2, resolution: Double)
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A collection of methods for converting between units of measure

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class FieldPosition(position: Vector2 = Vector2(), var angle: Double = 0.0)

A class to keep track of position and rotation on the field

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Miscellaneous calculations.

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class Polar(var theta: Double = 0.0, var r: Double = 0.0)

A class to represent a polar vector

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class Vector2(var x: Double = 0.0, var y: Double = 0.0)

A class to represent a cartesian vector

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class Vector3(var x: Double = 0.0, var y: Double = 0.0, var z: Double = 0.0)

A class to represent a 3D coordinate