Package-level declarations


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class SwerveDriveTrain(val swerveConfiguration: FourWheelSwerveConfiguration, gyro: GenericGyro) : SubsystemBase

The class to control the entire swerve drive train. This can be thought of as the "conductor" for the individual modules.

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class SwerveOdometry(swerveDriveTrain: SwerveDriveTrain, gyro: GenericGyro, swoToMeters: Double, startingPosition: Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), limelightList: Array<Limelight> = arrayOf(), debugLogging: Boolean = false, field2d: Optional<Field2d> = Optional.empty())

Class for odometry using a swerve drive train. This tracks the position of the robot in 2d/3d space by un-doing SwerveDriveTrain (see SwerveDriveTrain.kt) and using the gyro to track the robot's orientation. READ THE DOCUMENTATION FOR "swoToMeters" IT IS CRUCIAL.

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class SwerveWheel(driveMotor: GenericDriveMotor, turnMotor: GenericTurnMotor, drivePID: PIDController, turnPID: PIDController, configuration: SwerveModuleConfiguration)

A class representing a single swerve wheel (module). This contains the turning and driving motors.